On the edge of a knife

Our country stands on the edge of knife. We have experienced a steady decline in cooperation in the execution of the business of the administration of this county. Congress (both houses) are to blame for this. We are approaching the edge in that without too much more influence, we could easily be a totalitarian regime. What are the causes?

  1. Lack of Term Limits and the growth of corruption. If you put the fox in charge of the henhouse and then stop paying attention to what is going on, then don’t complain when all your chickens are gone. We need to reign in Washington and send those home who have betrayed their duty to fundraising and special interests.
  2. Growing apathy from an electorate that either doesn’t vote or does not examine the arguments of their candidates. Candidates and office holders can’t respond if they can’t hear your voices. Make noise (peacefully)!!!
  3. Total Media Meltdown – failure of the fourth estate to adequately represent the people and do their job to keep the public informed about truth.
  4. The Loss of Reason…American’s do not reason their way through life anymore. It’s all about instant gratification, consumption and social media.
  5. Education is failing. Increasingly, our youngest (historically…those with potential) are not equipped to participate in the political conversation of our country. They don’t understand the issues and don’t understand the history.
  6. Distraction. Our attentions are not on what is important.
  7. Our Fundamental Rights. Our constitutional rights are being slowly eroded.



